Meet our new twiglet: Christopher

Meet our new twiglet: Christopher

Can you tell us a little about your background and your new role?

I originate from Hong Kong and came over to the UK for A levels. I then studied Mathematics at LSE and after graduating started working for a Fintech company as part of their graduate program. I wore many hats including client services, sales, product management and ended finding joy in Data analytics. Eventually, I made my way into Tractable where I honed my engineering and machine learning skills. This lead to me working on my personal projects which helped me learn how to build applications from the ground up.

Why did you decide to join team twig?

To build something useful to the world you need a great team. My fellow twiglets have heaps of experience in the BioTech space and drive to make a difference! Working for a startup like twig also gives me the opportunity to build and experiment.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work I like to box, read and watch movies. My favourite film is The Prestige.