Meet our new twiglet: Helena

Meet our new twiglet: Helena

Can you tell us a little about your background and your new role?

I completed my undergraduate degree in Biochemistry at the University of Exeter and spent a year experiencing industry working at GSK. I then went on to complete a PhD in chemical biology at UCL and have been working in industry since I graduated at both big and small companies.

My new role is synthetic biology scientist and I will be the first lab based employee. I’m looking forward to setting up the lab and starting some great research.

Why did you decide to join team twig?

I was missing doing research when James reached out to me about working at Twig. The research he spoke to me about was really interesting and made me excited about science again. The team was also wonderful and I really enjoyed meeting everyone.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I love dancing and have regular lessons, I play touch rugby, I do a lot of crafting from painting to macrame to making earrings and looking after my little balcony garden.