Meet our new twiglet: Laurence

Meet our new twiglet: Laurence

Can you tell us a little about your background and your new role?

I did a PhD in Synthetic Biology at Warwick/Oxford, where I used genetic engineering to get bacteria to make useful substances, and wrote software that finds ways to make bacteria even better at making substances.

At Twig, I’ll be doing something pretty similar, blending computation and genetic engineering to make microbes that can replace environmentally damaging chemical production processes.


Why did you decide to join team twig?

Sustainability is a huge challenge that the world is facing- and so having the opportunity to help tackle this problem is really exciting for me.

The people here seemed really nice too – everyone’s really supportive and does their best to help each other out.


What do you like to do outside of work?

I’m a pretty big football fan, and I also like bouldering and hiking.