Meet our new twiglet: Mandy

Meet our new twiglet: Mandy

Can you tell us a little about your background and your new role?

I recently relocated to London from the Netherlands. I have a background in microbial biotechnology and worked with various yeast and bacterial strains on strain engineering and bioprocessing. In my new role as Fermentation Engineer at twig my first priority is to set up an array of small-scale bioreactors to screen the strains in our pipeline.

Why did you decide to join team twig?

I want to work in industrial biotechnology at the interface of engineering and biology. I was impressed by the passion and experience of the twig team and am very excited to get started!

What do you like to do outside of work?

I like to stay active and be outside (especially when the weather is good). I just joined one of the rowing clubs on the Thames, in London, and am starting to explore my new neighbourhood.